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Automatic Takoyaki Machine

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Anyone who visits the Osaka area knows Takoyaki. It’s difficult to make on your own, but this amazing automatic takoyaki machine makes it so easy. It automatically flips food while cooking!

Automatic Takoyaki Machine

automatic takoyaki machine

What is Takoyaki?

Takoyaki is a Japanese word that comes from combining the words “tako” (octopus) and “yaki” (derived from “yaku,” which is a cooking method of frying or grilling). As you would expect, the main ingredient is traditionally octopus, but these delicious and fun snacks can be make with just about any filling you can think of. If you decide to buy this machine, you might also enjoy this Takoyaki recipe book to help you find new inspirations! (That recipe book is free if you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription.)

How do you use automatic takoyaki machine?

First, mix the takoyaki batter. Then, turn the machine on and get it preheated to the correct temperature. Finally, pour in the batter into each cooking slot. The machine will turn your batter and make your takoyaki become round.

automatic takoyaki flipping cooker

This Takoyaki Pan is an easy way to make takoyaki at home. For more information on this best soft rooftop cargo carrier, including an additional photo gallery, you will find it on the Amazon website here.

Takoyaki Machine Automatically Flips Food While Cooking

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